White Shirt, Steel Grey Shorts (for classes upto V), Steel Grey Trousers (for class VI upward), Grey Socks, Black Leather or Synthetic leather Shoes With laces (Oxford shape), Belt, White Handkerchief, White Shirt and White Shorts/Trousers (for class 1st to 5th) are compulsory for Wednesday and Saturday.
Steel Grey Trousers (woollen), Navy Blue Blazer/Pullover, Black Leather or Synthetic Shoes with laces (Oxford shape), Navy Blue Jersey (V-neck, plain) other things same as for summer.
Red Check Trousers/Tunic, White Shirt, White Socks with Red Band, Black Shoes.
Red Check Trousers/Tunic, White Shirt, White Socks with Red Band, Black Shoes with Red Wind - Cheater.
Fashionable shoes are not allowed. Please purchase proper school shoes (Oxford Shoes). Narrow, ankle, balloon, pencil shaped trousers are not allowed.